General Info
SZOLTANDFROG, SL, company domiciled in Madrid -C / HILARION ESLAVA Nº37, 3º-C (SPAIN) – with CIF B70458989 is the owner of the website located in the domain name that represents the Website and whose social purpose is the sale of fashion products and accessories.
SECURITY: The website uses information security techniques generally accepted in the industry, such as firewalls, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms, all in order to prevent unauthorized access to data. To achieve these purposes, the user / client accepts that the provider obtains data for the purpose of the corresponding authentication of access controls.
In order to contract an order from SZOLTANDFROG, S.L., the User must be over 18 years of age.
Payment Methods
We provide the payment methods to the client so that they can choose the one they prefer, always complying with all current security standards through SSL payment gateways that comply with the European PCI Compliance protocols.
In this way, payment can be made by:
- Bank Card (VISA / Master Card)
- Paypal
- Bizum
- Scalapay – Pay 3 times without interest
- Bank Transfer
“PURCHASE CONFIRMATION – If you purchase with Scalapay, you will receive your order and pay in 3 installments. You confirm that the installments will be sold to and purchased by Retail Instalments SPV 1 Limited, related parties and their beneficiaries and hereby unconditionally and irrevocably authorize and consent to this sale.”
Returns or replacement of defective products
In the event that the consumer considers that the product does not conform to the established specifications due to manufacturing defects, he should contact SZOLTANDFROG, S.L. immediately. To process the return, the customer must contact the address, indicating the product or products that will be the object of the return, attaching a photograph and a detailed list of the defects observed in them.
Upon receipt of said communication, SZOLTANDFROG, S.L will indicate to the client, if applicable, how to collect or send the defective product or products to its offices, at no economic cost to the user. Each product whose return is requested must be unused, with the labels, packaging and -where appropriate- documentation and original elements or accessories that came with it. If the consumer does not proceed in this way, SZOLTANDFROG, S.L. reserves the right to deny the return. Once the product has been received and the existence of a defect or factory defect has been verified in any of the products in the order, SZOLTANDFROG, S.L. will proceed to process the shipment of another product with identical characteristics, also at no economic cost to the user.
In the event that due to lack of stock of that item, another product with the same characteristics cannot be sent, the refund of amounts paid for the purchase of the returned product will be carried out as soon as possible and, in any case, within the following 14 days.
Right of withdrawal
In the event that the consumer is not satisfied with the products received in his order, in accordance with the General Law for the defense of Consumers and Users, the consumer will have a period of 14 calendar days to claim the return, from the moment of receipt of the article without indicating the reasons. Although you must bear the direct cost of returning the order to SZOLTANDFROG, S.L.
To formalize the return, you must contact the address Received said communication, SZOLTANDFROG, S.L. It will indicate the way of sending the order to its warehouses, which must be unused and with all its labels, packaging and -where appropriate-, documentation and original accessory elements that came with it. If not, SZOLTANDFROG, S.L. reserves the right to deny the return. In any case, the shipping costs of the return will be borne by the consumer, the item must be in the warehouses within 30 calendar days from the receipt of the order by the customer, and always making the claim within the first 14 days from when the consumer receives the order.